Google Video Indexing: Uncover the Secrets to Prominent Video Ranking

Struggling to get your videos indexed on Google? πŸ€”πŸš« Let’s dive into the key reasons behind the “Google could not determine the prominent video on the page” issue and discover actionable steps to make your videos eligible for indexing! πŸ“ˆβœ…

🎯 Reason 1: Video outside the viewport Reposition your video within the page’s visible area to ensure it’s fully seen when the page loads. Optimize its position to catch Google’s attention! πŸ“ΉπŸ”

πŸ“Œ Actionable Step: Adjust the video placement within the renderable area of the page for maximum visibility and indexing potential.

🎯 Reason 2: Video too small Increase the height of your video to exceed 140 pixels or the width to be larger than 140 pixels, reaching at least one-third of the page’s width. Bigger is better for Google’s indexing algorithm! πŸ“πŸ”

πŸ“Œ Actionable Step: Enhance the size of your video to meet the minimum requirements for better visibility and indexing.

🎯 Reason 3: Video too tall If your video’s height surpasses 1080 pixels, it might hinder its chances of indexing. Decrease the height to a more manageable size and open the doors to Google’s indexing capabilities! πŸ“‰πŸ”

πŸ“Œ Actionable Step: Resize the video to ensure its height is below 1080 pixels, allowing for smoother indexing by Google.

πŸ’‘ Introducing the Search Console video indexing report, now with new reasons! πŸ“Šβœ¨

While historical data in the Search Console video indexing report might still display the “Google could not determine the prominent video on the page” reason, fear not! It no longer impacts your pages. πŸ“…πŸš«

✨ But there’s more! Continue reading to discover the exciting features of the updated Search Console video indexing report! πŸ§πŸ“ˆ

🌟 New features of the Search Console video indexing report 🌟

πŸ“Š In-depth insights: Explore 3 months of historical data to gain a comprehensive understanding of your video indexing performance. Track progress and identify trends!

πŸ” Specific reasons: Unveil the three detailed reasons behind the prominent video issue, helping you troubleshoot and optimize your video pages effectively.

πŸ”— URL inspection: While inspecting a specific video page URL, you’ll now find the new reasons if applicable. Get granular insights and take targeted action!

πŸš€ Boost your video indexing and visibility! Stay informed and optimize your video pages with the enhanced Search Console video indexing report. πŸ“ˆβœ…

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🌟 Let’s conquer the world of video indexing together! If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to comment. We’re here to support you! πŸ’ͺ🀝

#GoogleVideoIndexing #VideoSEO #SearchConsole #OptimizeYourVideos #UnlockVisibility

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